Compaent system Health and fire damage

I am trying to learn the blueprint system, but I created a component where is firing off correctly, yet there is no damage deduction. I have tried to fix it, but with no success. Any advice? Posting pictures of it. I really new to blueprint so if i botched it

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Could you explain the big picture? Because this is confusing:

It’s a Take (Receive) Damage function yet it seems not only to Apply Damage instead - but there is also no Damaged Actor specified - double confusion! :innocent: There would be no point in Apply Damage since nowhere in your screenshots can we see the damage receiver:

Component system Health and Fire damage

How is it supposed to work, ideally?

  • player has a health component
  • player steps into fire
  • fire damages the player (over time I presume)
  • player’s health component handles the damage received

Am I close? And one more thing, is this just for Fire Damage or is there going to more buffs / debuffs? Emotional Damage, for example?