Community Tutorial: Tackling Climate Change through LEGO Fortnite

Explore your LEGO Fortnite world, eat in sustainable ways and build a house which is climate resilient. In this tutorial you will learn how you can take action for climate in 2 ways: mitigation and adaptation. Protect your house against floods, fires and hurricanes.

■■■■ it lets do some math

So xbox s uses Active Gameplay
74 W
Now how many players

Always site your Sources

Says about 2 mill ima call it so 74w times 2mill then what atleast 2 times of about an hr ok now we got that 148 000 000 watts the powers coal power plant makes 2,460 kWh of electricity generated per ton of coal

How Much of Each Energy Source Does It Take to Power Your Home | 29th September 2017 | News | McGinley Support Services.

Now 2460 kwh compared to the 148000000 watts


one kilowatt is equal to 1,000-watts cool so i just divide the watts by 1000

148000 kwh being used by fornight allday

That cant be right that like 60 power plants around the planet just for fortnite

My math has to be just ■■■■■■

I am not the college grad can someone fix my math i got the right numbers but i think my math is ■■■■■■

  1. Lego Fortnite has no fires, floods, or hurricanes

  2. The forums aren’t the right place to discuss climate change, I don’t think.

  3. Lego Fortnite is not part of these forums either.

  4. You might as well wait for Lego Fortnite mods/UEFN customization releases so you can make Lego Vegans a thing.