Community Tutorial: NavLink Proxy System for Crowded AI

While making an AI pawn climb/move over a gap in the navmesh isn’t so difficult with NavLink Proxy it can be a headache in a more crowded scenario. This tutorial aims to show you how to prepare a navlink proxy and solve this issue.

Thanks for sharing! Not many good posts on this topic.

This seems useful in some cases, but it doesn’t seem to solve the problem of multiple AI reaching the nav link at the same time. If two or more AI arrive at a nav link and push each other, neither can reach the link and thus the nav link will never disable temporarily. So they just fight over it indefinitely and all AI continue to try to use it.

Unless I’m mistaken or messed up somewhere else…


There are two important checks before DoOnce you need to make sure dont change until after the current agent climbed; Is Navlink Enabled and Pawn Current comparison. Other than that make sure the collision capsule radius is easy to reach and dont forget to click Copy End Points From Simple Link to Smart Link button in the details panel once you set the point locations as you like.

By the way, if you want to look into it something similar may be achieved with 5.1 Smart Objects i think but i havent looked into it yet so i dont know if it would be a better option.

Hi Peter, had you fixed this problem? I I also ran into this problem too (>.<) .

Dont forget In Project Settings set, “Navigation Mesh/Runtime Generation - DynamicModifiersOnly”.
It’s perfectly work for me: