Community Tutorial: Nanite Niagara GPU Particle Renderer and Rendering of 100,000 particles using a single Niagara System with 33 Different Meshs. Blueprint and C++ code performance review

How To: Enables Nanite Niagara GPU Simulated Static Mesh Rendering in Unreal Engine 5 via Blueprints and ALSO accelerated with C++

You will also need to increase GPUMaxReadbackCount to 110000, this can be done in console. It can also be set with a Blueprint node “Execute Console Command” here is a visual :

Unreal 5.5?

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Hello Tom!
Exporting GPU Niagara particles was added in unreal engine 4.27 I am told. Nanite was added with unreal engine 5.0EA. So you should be able to complete this with Unreal Engine 5.0EA+

That said, I built this example in UE5.3.2 and nanite and lumen have gotten a lot faster with these recient updates.

So UE5 any version will work.

I have included the project as a Plugin for UE 5.3.2 on Git Hub under the MIT licenese here :