This is a project based learning series where we will be applying animations on the transform properties of a static mesh; location, rotation and scale will be animated using the timeline node via linear interpolate nodes.
(Please watch the overview video to see if this project is right for your learning goals )
This series is broken down into small videos designed to make it easy to digest, if you have no experience in Blueprints this will help you get started.
Part 1: Learning how to create a blank blueprint, add components as well as create the variables we will be using for our project.
Part 2: Explains how to set up a trigger volume and use the timeline node
Part 3: Setting up the LERP (vector) node for animating the location parameters
Part 4: Setting up the LERP (rotator) node for animating the rotation parameters
Part 5: Setting up the LERP (vector) node for animating the scale parameters
Have fun and feel free to post any questions you may have!