So kannst du in der Unreal Engine 5 in ein Auto einsteigen mittels der Possess Node und Blueprint Interfaces! Natürlich kann es auch ein Raumschiff oder ähnliches sein
Hello! Thank you for your hard work
i’m trying to do possesing by your tutorial but i have a couple of problems maybe you can help me :
the first one is the Car from source “sport car” when i create the project only the car it works fine , but i copy it to the Third person project it allways error on Blueprint car "corrupted " i activate the plugin like you do in your tutorial but the same "corrupted " (
and the second one : a cannot select the " BPI interac "like in your tutorial
screenshot below
Hi this is maybe a dumb question but did you restart your editor after activating the plugin?
I use the Unreal Engine 5.0.3 (Launcher Version) for this Tutorial.
You could try the Unreal Engine 4 Vehicle template for testing purposes.
Or you could try it in a blank fresh / new project
and the second one : a cannot select the " BPI interac "like in your tutorial
Oh thats an easy one → You wrote BPI (!) Interaction
I called my file “BPI_Interaction” but you called your file “Interaction”, so please search at the “Does Implement Interface” node not for “BPI Interaction”, search for your name “Interaction”
Thanks ! but sport car steel cannot be imported , i try UN 4.27 Sedan car an others works , but UN5 steel to many problems