Community Tutorial: In Fahrzeuge einsteigen - Possess Node (Car possessing)

So kannst du in der Unreal Engine 5 in ein Auto einsteigen mittels der Possess Node und Blueprint Interfaces! Natürlich kann es auch ein Raumschiff oder ähnliches sein :slight_smile:


Hello! Thank you for your hard work :slight_smile:
i’m trying to do possesing by your tutorial but i have a couple of problems maybe you can help me :
the first one is the Car from source “sport car” when i create the project only the car it works fine , but i copy it to the Third person project it allways error on Blueprint car "corrupted " i activate the plugin like you do in your tutorial but the same "corrupted " (

and the second one : a cannot select the " BPI interac "like in your tutorial

screenshot below

Hi this is maybe a dumb question but did you restart your editor after activating the plugin?
I use the Unreal Engine 5.0.3 (Launcher Version) for this Tutorial.

You could try the Unreal Engine 4 Vehicle template for testing purposes.
Or you could try it in a blank fresh / new project :slight_smile:

and the second one : a cannot select the " BPI interac "like in your tutorial

Oh thats an easy one → You wrote BPI (!) Interaction
I called my file “BPI_Interaction” but you called your file “Interaction”, so please search at the “Does Implement Interface” node not for “BPI Interaction”, search for your name “Interaction”

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Thanks ! but sport car steel cannot be imported , i try UN 4.27 Sedan car an others works , but UN5 steel to many problems :frowning: