Thanks to a recently developed plugin by Thibault Lambert we are now able to start bringing in VDB files into Unreal Engine 5!
Tutorial’s out of date.
I cached out a 120-frame, VDB sequence from Maya’s Bifrost (a gun blast). I exported 6 attributes, 5 of which were accepted by UE5 during import:
and voxel_velocity.
Why these? Well, I picked the attributes that seemed closest to what a Maya Learning Channel tutor was picking in his video on VDB exporting. (However, UE5 remarked that 3 of these were “unknown”, and I’ve since learned that it only supports density and level set info.)
Following the developer’s page, I grabbed a VDB Principled Actor. I went into its details tab and started making the changes listed. Unfortunately, there’s no path tracing option, even though I set everything up for that in Project Settings. (I have a GTX card, which may be the culprit?)
Unfortunately, while I can control the color and cloudiness of the VDB, I cannot seem to get in heat info, and hence no fire. According to Winbush, the temperature info in the VDB should provide the firey look. When I bring everything in to the Sequencer, I only get fog density. Nothing for temperature / fire.
If I drag and drop the components directly into the scene, the level set / temperature element appears as a thick, opaque surface. It’s not even close to looking like anything but a brownish, growing dust clump.
I’m out of ideas here. I tried re-exporting the VDB from Maya. I selected only the “known” components when importing into UE5. I tried another temperature component that was “unknown”, just for craps and giggles. Nada. I even tried applying a glowing material to it.
I’m trying the same thing with similar results and it’s not really working as expected
@Winbush Thank you for the tutorial. Is it possible to make the imported VDB interacts with spotlights or point lights? I´m using Lumen and lights have no effects on VDB.
I’m actually speaking with the developer soon on whats new so I can make an updated tutorial as I havent touched it in awhile and he’s been busy with updates since then
@Winbush Thanks, man!
after trying the same steps
everytime I pull the element into workflow (after loading into unreal) it is stoppped the program and crash
anyone knows ?
Unreal Engine 5.0.2 with the same version of sparevolumetric
I put this down since. I just figure it’s a limitation of UE’s VDB import capabilities.