Community Tutorial: How to join friends via Steam overlays using Advanced Sessions

This is meant to be a speed run of joining a friend through the Steam overlay (shift tab) using the Advanced Sessions Plugin

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Thanks for this tutorial, it’s within the best timing for me.

Just about the [Event On Session Invite Received]
It says that it’s triggered when a session Invite has been accepted.
but it’s the same for [Event On Session Invite Accepted].
Both will be called?

I don’t want to be disconnected from my session when I receive an Invite.

My guess it that from an [Event On session Invite Received] , I want to have a widget pop-up just to notify the player. In case steam overlay is disabled.
(preferably behind steam overlay’s pop-up, so down-right)

I haven’t tested it yet.

Can you show a video of the end result ?

Hey DooD.To. You are absolutely correct. As I mentioned, this is a speed run on getting joining steam sessions via the overlay. You would want to implement some widget logic to allow the player to consent to join a session before just accepting and joining.


Just wanted to say that this worked flawlessly. I really appreciate you posting this guide!

The event On Session Invite Accepted seems to me only get called when receiving an invitation from a friend, will it work if I right click and click join directly?