Community Tutorial: Custom Clothes for Metahuman in Unreal Engine — BEGINNER TUTORIAL

In this tutorial you will learn how to add Custom Clothes for your Metahuman using Blender and Unreal Engine. You can use any model e.g. from Sketchfab. You can also use your assets, just export them to blender as in this video.

That’s just a Beginner tutorial, I have more to share about custom metahuman clothings, please leave a comment if you want another detailed tutorial.

Intro: 00:00
Downloading clothes from Sketchfab: 00:13
Exporting Metahuman Skeleton in UE5: 00:57
Exporting my glTF to FBX (Optional): 02:10
Merging Metahuman Skeleton with Clothes: 03:10
Import to Unreal Engine: 6:16
Outro: 9:08

Thanks for watching, hope this tutorial helped someone!

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Awesome tutorial, for a completely noob like me that’s very easy and your explanation was great.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

thanks for your feedback <3 I really appreciate it, I will make more very useful tutorial soon!

great tutorial! thank you very much!

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you are welcome <3

and if your rest pose is not the same as your clothing pose? change the body skeleton pose to match first? or ?