Community Tutorial: Chaos Flesh

Great tutorial. I’m having an issue with creating a flesh asset using a static mesh from a character like the mannequins. It doesn’t seem to generate a tetrahedral collection. Is there some limitation I’m not aware of. Bare in mind, all I did was turn a mannequin into a static mesh and tried to use that, the basic geometry in unreal seem to work fine and do produce tetrahedra. Here’s the problem in the Chaos Flesh Log:

LogChaosFlesh: Display: Generating tet mesh via IsoStuffing…
LogChaosFlesh: Warning: IsoStuffing produced 0 tetrahedra.

Nevermind, I got it. The body I was using for the softbody sim was too high poly, I created a second lower poly version of the body that was under 1500 polys, something like that. The more polys, the more you have to increase num cells for it to show up, which causes its own problems when its too high, I think. Right now my num cells is at 18, which is fine for my testing.

Making all tutorials one after another. Stucked on Skeletal Mesh Deformation.
When I apply the node GenerateSurfaceBindings and Enable Deformar in Blueprint… the main skeletal mesh in BP disappears and never returns until i disable any of this (and in runtime i can only see some polys on the edges of the star whci you corrected with a size increament). looks like a bug, but may be some help?

Just decided to try out the Chaos Flesh. I’m following each step from tutorials on youtube but the flesh object always falls through other static meshes on the level and I still couldn’t find an answer how to fix this. Any ideas?

About self Collision, do we have a clue how to do it?

This sounds like something that can be fixed with the “World Collisions” video in the tutorial.

Can we enable physics interactions between multiple soft bodies using Chaos Flesh?

This is the same point I’m at; as soon as I set the Mesh Deformer to DG_FleshDeformer, my Skeletal Mesh disappears, aside from bits of the feet. New to Unreal Engine and Chaos, not new to development, I feel so lost, I’m not sure what I’m missing.

It works ok with the flesh asset but I have been struggling like crazy to get the flesh asset deformations to be on the mesh itself. It doesn’t have any animation, just the model, and a skeleton. I tried doing things with just the static mesh, but needed to add the skeleton to get to the deformable stuff.

I just need to be able to move around the mesh and have it splat on the floor when dropped.

@Arg.h Do you have any ideas for what I could do or if it’s even going to be possible to do what I want to do with it?

We do not currently support self-collisions. We will release a version for offline simulations in the future, but right now we are limited to external rigid body interactions.

@AsdPtion, @Richard-Ennui - Could you post a link to your setup somewhere so I can try to recreate the issue locally?

Used to make it work on mostrly all issues. Done all tutorials. Now it works fine with simple skm meshes. But now i tried adding a complex mesh and the result is:

the skm is:

I tried may be all parameters in solver and node graph. the result is the same.
and in most cases it ignores the binding to joints. Or simply falls withou colliding with landscape


Thanks for the toturial! Is there any way to mask surface binding now?

Is there any DEMO download?
I cannot do that.
I do not know what I did wrong
Can you have share your project?


Is there a way to turn only a certain part of the model to a chaos flesh? To paint the needed mesh to give it properties of the flesh. For example if I’m making a monster and I need part of it’s body have a chaos flesh properties and the rest of the body will be normal and solid?

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No. make ablueprint and combine in it a flesh and a static mesh

Is there any way I can download the videos from the tutorial or watch it on some other platform? (F12 doesn’t work because it’s a HLS stream)
The video player on dev.epic games is painfully slow and unresponsive (for example when I want to skip forward/back a lot)
I tried to complete the tutorial a few times but always gave up because of the player.

Hello @Arg.h , can you tell me where is the ideal spot on a Dataflow Asset to put the “AddScalarVertexProperty” node in order to apply the Static Mesh’s weight map attribute? I have added a weight map attribute to my static mesh and entered the name of it in my “AddScalarVertexProperty” node but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I assumed it would isolate the movement of the mesh to what I had painted but that isn’t happening. Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Thanks for the tutorial!
Managed to complete it and implement my own stuff.
Is there any way I can make it so that physics objects “bounce off” from the softbody simulation?
Or the softbody dampens the rigidbody?
Basically how to make it so that the softbofy sim can influence the world physics.

Managed to kinda make it work with some hacks, the skeletal mesh has “Per Poly Collision” with collision settings ignoring every channel except a custom channel wich it blocks, and the physics body is essentially 2 (one is on the physics actor channel, other one is on the “blocking” channel.)

Is there a better way to do this in the current version?

We are trying to tear a skeletal mesh which has a flesh asset inside it

We want to implement a tear on a mouse intearction on the skeletal mesh . What would you suggest as to how we go about acheving this function ?

How to you do your Skin Elasticity? ^^
My Skin very strangeness

This is my DataFlow Setting