Community Tutorial: Best way to replicated doors

In this tutorial I will show you how to easily replicate doors


The speed and assumption that we know all about blueprints in this tutorial felt like an Algebra professor teaching a kindergarten how to many funny little rectangles and worms in between.
It just left me baffled how good you are at all this.

First I would like to know where UE5.4 is hiding a character that doesn’t just look like a vitamin gelcap when spawned/dragged into the viewport?
I don’t want to be a cube. Who wants to be a cube?

I want the little man or woman that is shown all the time everywhere before I am getting familiar with blueprints yet. I can’t find one simple video that tells me how to get that character unless I use x complicated blueprints etc
If I button shows me a character face to drag into the scene why does it look like a collision vitamin gelcap?
Can’t there be one button that imports a little character with a body? Why does it have to feel it cost legs and arms to get that without first learning blueprints etc.
As someone who comes from 3D Max, Revit, SketchUP Lumion and Twinmotion UE leaves me often baffled with frustration that is increased after watching tutorials.
Yes UE is amazing and feels gorgeous but as beginners it often sets our mind back as if we were just leaving Kindergarten.
I feel UI designers definitely all think as you said “It’s simple mathematics.”

So many UE tutorials are made by connoisseurs who assume when we get here and know already so much. No one ever explains why they click what to get to there and why they make that choice.

And some of the most famous 5+ hours tutorials always create stuff like castles in the forest etc.
Are there any tutorials with “Architecture” that replicates real world?

I may come across as ranting but really I am just frustrated that the Forum seems to send us simply back to " go learn in all before you ask questions" I must ask, anyone ever looked at the SketchUP forum how that community tries to help assists and teaches? That is a “very helpful” forum and don’t tell me, why don’t you stay with SketchUP. It’s obvious I want to learn UE.

Anyway thank you.
I am definitely still on “Probezeit” for a long time to come :slight_smile:

Hey, you made me smirk :smiley:

You can easily create a character with a proper body and with proper controls already set up through the content browser. Just click on the “+ Add” button in the top left corner of the content browser (which you open with CTRL + Spacebar). Then you need to click on “Add Feature or Content Pack…”.
Then you can select “Third Person”. This will add a Third person template to your project. In order to use this in your level, you simply have to open the “World Settings” window. It either is already opened or you can open it under “Window->World Settings” in the very top bar of the engine. Inside of the World Settings window look for “GameMode Override” and select your third person game mode there. And if you now hit play you can walk around with a good looking character and all the controls already set up.

Feel free to join my Discord server: Kibibyte

I am planning to create a full Unreal Engine crashcourse that teaches you every single bit about the engine but for that it is very useful to know what issues people have when they are just starting out.

With best regards

Hallo Nikolas (Mr Probezeit)
Lucky in my life I was headhunted several times, from big to bigger and better and never had to many stressful “Probezeiten” to live through.
You think you are the only one smirking :-)?
I just watched the two first UE Unreal Fellowship: Games | Talks and demos
That was before reading your reply!
I thought I had struck gold. The lecturer started by creating 3!! instances, of my so much wanted character…and then …he went on and turned them into burning cubes.
After that with and encyclopedia of “nodes/rectangles” if recall that righ of blueprints her made two doors go open.
+1hour to open and close a door with a red and green light and then ads a button the floats in the air. NOT even on the door frame!
Can’t that just come in one package?
Now I know why people sell and buy “ready blueprints” etc. I feel so lucky my game has VERY few doors and I am thinking of even cancelling those as they are very unconventional (like up sliding glass garage doors)
I just can’t design anything that looks like a Haensel and Graetel Haeuschen …
It’s got to be fancy and expensive looking.
And these UE courses are said to be for “beginners” also. As much as I appreciate to opportunity to be able to watch and try to learn…I just feels that many lecturers are geeks who live in their world and never question the way 3D creative people just scream out loud by WHY and WHERE and HOW do you search for a “frame” when you are looking for a door :slight_smile: etc.
They cannot put them selves into the minds of real 3D imaginative people wanting to go one step further.
I just bought Digital Alchemy course black Friday 147 $ it’s sort of Ok more to the point but they have a FB page again that feels like the big void of space. Very few answers get replied to… but I will learn on.
Looking forward to your course or any URL you sent my way.
I am from Tirol, in Kanada and 55+ and yea maybe a little of a frustrated ranter…
It took me two years to design my game space in SketchUP then following good advise migrated it to Twinmotion I was told will make it easy to import into UE 5.4 with Datasmith.
Since then I am in awe of my own creation 50x50x50m city block and want to walk around in it like I own it haha not just like a mouse button. It imported in one go a 1.9GB file and all is there!
I need a better graphic card am waiting from Santa Klaus and boxing day maybe.
DO I DARE BEG for more of your knowledge?
I have a quarry lake in the bottom under my building and I can’t find out why I can’t make my water transparent?
I have water in a pool, an aquarium, several jacuzzis and they all look crystal clear.
Only my lake keeps on showing the original SketchUP clear pool material and I can’t get the lake to be transparent to show all the treasures underneath :slight_smile:
Could it be because it’s a much larger surface that my PC can’t handle the 50x50m water?
Any URL about UE and water your suggest I would watch eagerly.

Thank you again for your kind reply


Reading your message now is like gold as tonight I might actually put of these little characters and then put a camera in his head :slight_smile: Like so many show how to turn your 3rd person into a real 1st person …
Many thanks …I have a dear friend here who is a C++ that lost his job after many years and he’s looking and I keep on telling LEARN UE with your C++ expertise it will be cake and you can probably get something in the rather large local gaming industry in Vancouver.