Community Tutorial: AnimToTexture Plugin, How to Use it to make Vertex Animation Textures for crowds

Something which I am stuck in Unreal 5.3 is AnimationToTexture node. It throws Animation To Texture failed error

Hereā€™s the solution for these nodes. These nodes are name extracting nodes and hence can be set this way. This is working for me.
Right click and create 3 nodes Make Literal Name and assign them the name as BonePositionTexture BoneRotation and BoneWeightsTexure and assign them to the respective node

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Thanks for sharing! Can you confirm that you have this working in 5.3? Could you share a screen grab or more info?

Hi @DaftAlexPunk Could you confirm whether your current github fork still has the sync issue?
And would you know if there is some way to make this work in5.3?

Hi @eco_bach2 sorry for late reply, Iā€™m a simple hobbyist with a real exhausting work. I think @kromond proposes now in his github something working with 5.2. I hope epic hasnā€™t break anything in 5.3 again.
Mine in that place : AlexandrePoisson/AnimToTextureHelpers at UE5.3.1 ( also works, but thatā€™s a kinda messy description * a workaround using PCG, which is kind of unstable * unstable * unstable. maybe you need to check @kromond github thatā€™s been updated with its nice widget first. Iā€™ll spend a bit of time next week end to clean up my project and update my fork in case youā€™re not successful.

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Thank you so much!

Thank you for providing this guidance, Kromond.

Does anyone know if this works with UE 5.4? Want to confirm compatibility, if possible.

Iā€™ve only used it for 5.3 and works good!

I have a question though, is it possible to make the VAT animation compatible with more than 1 LOD? I feel I need to adjust the script in order to make it work. For instance I had a similar tool running at another DCC which preserves original points from LOD0 across all LODs and by doing that, VAT animation works fine. I just dont know how to do it with this tool.


Hi @kromond , I am unable to import the EUW_VAT_Utils file into the engine. I was download the files individually. My Engine is 5.3. Do you have a better solution?

ehyoo everyone! does anybody experience issues when packaging a project with the AnimToTexture plugin enabled? It seems Iā€™m only able to build my project using a lower version of Visual Studio 2022 (17.8). However I always get ā€œUnknown Errorsā€ when having the latest VS (17.12 as of now) and this plugin enabled. Iā€™m using UE5.3 btw.

Yes its compatible with 5.4 and 5.5.

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Are you sure? I have an issue with 5.5, see github issues.

EUW_VAT_Utils_544.uasset Tool is working in 5.5, do you need an blueprint to spawn those static mesh in scene?

The BP_Crowd is the one with error