Community Tutorial: 28 - Building a Mission Tracker - Let's Make a Top Down Shooter

This Unreal 5.3 Gameplay Ability System video is about building a mission tracker that can let the player know how far along mission completion they are, and provide a way to transition after mission completion.

We start by ensuring the Pawn Manager Plugin is enabled, and then build the Mission Tracker Widget, which has a function exposed to set the Objective Text and Is Complete value that makes the Leave Mission Button visible. Next, we create the SomeMap map, referred to in the previous Data Driven Mission UI video, and ensure it has the proper pieces. And then the Mission Tracker Blueprint is created, which will Spawn Enemies where the Enemy Spawn ‘markers’ are placed, setup the Event Dispatcher on those Enemies, Create Events for when the Enemy Died, and when the Pawn Manager hits the GameReady InitState. Then when Enemies die, the Mission Tracker Widget is updated to reflect that, including showing the Leave Mission Button when Complete.