Community Tutorial: 01 - Project Setup - Let's Make a Tower Defense Game

This Unreal Engine 5.4 video is about building the project for a Gameplay Ability System based Tower Defense Game.

We start by creating a Blank C++ Project named TD, and then set the Open Location (for asset files) and enable Invert Mouse Y, because it’s objectively better (for me). Next, we create the default level, and enable the Gameplay Abilities Plugin, then some C++ Classes for the Player Pawn and Tower Pawn. We’re using Pawn because the bits that Character adds will not be needed here. Next, we put some Ability System Component initialization into the TD Tower Pawn Class, and then back in the Editor, we import’s Tower Defense Kit. Lastly, we setup some Blueprints for the Player, which does nothing at the moment, the Game Mode, which sets the Default Pawn Class to the good for nothing Player Blueprint, and the Tower. We then set the Player Start to look down upon the Level.

Kenney’s Tower Defense Kit - Tower Defense Kit · Kenney