[community/general-discussionIs] it an active forum?

I wonder if it is an active forum.

By active I mean that they answer within a maximum period of 1h. As for example StackOverflow that its response time is approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

If I have to wait 5-10 days for a response, I think we are wasting time.
The main page of doubts or general questions.

Now come and tell me that I am wrong, that I will show you more photos of the forum with “0” answers and creation date speaking in years.

I think that in this forum they do not put effort. I think it would be preferable to go to StackOverflow to ask.

I do not want to imagine people who directly pull documentation to avoid wasting time in this forum.

Good luck with that work policy.

Surely the typical one will come saying:

“This forum is not focused on solving each of your doubts and you would have to do R&D”.
I tell you that you are not understanding anything. The forum of a creator of an “engine” has to supply the doubts of its clients. If you don’t, you are not doing your job well. Did your brain understand this well?

If you did not understand this and you are going to criticize without understanding, it is preferable that you do not make a fool of yourself.

I just joined the community and you can (unfortunately) tell that is not active by just checking views on posts. 8 views in 3 days are basically nothing.
Sad for me that I started out 1 week ago with unreal, most of the time I just give up calling for help and I check the Unreal source code itself following the method calls.
I don’t even bother joining discord groups, I always try but they usually are really rude.

Not really, the forum peaked years ago when it first came out. Now that people may see it’s not and easy task the number probably dropped big time. Even a few years ago you’d answer a question and never get a answer,majority of the time. It’s been like that for a few years. If you want to hear from someone that’s literally been there and done that I highly suggest you check out my UE4 best practices. https://forums.unrealengine.com/comm…e4-guide-hints

If you know of a place where responses are faster then post there, that’s pretty easy to see.

Es que no se para que me empeño hablarles en inglés si sois lamentables. Si no respondéis y no os hacéis cargo de nada.

My posts are hidden here in C ++. Unfortunate performance of UNREAL ENGINE. It is understood that the average American is not very intelligent.
1 - They do not answer the publications
2 - Avoid responsibilities
3 - They close accounts or hide publications
4 - …

logged in

No logged in

I submitted a report. Good luck with your superiors.

El americano de media siempre está discutiendo ya sean niños o empresas como EPIC GAMES vs GOOGLE y IOS. Sois como niños. Tengo suerte de no haber nacido Americano y haber nacido español. Lamentable actuación que estáis dando. No sé para que pierdo el tiempo con gente así.

¿Cómo no pensar que son “idiotas”?, si da igual cuantos años tenga el americano de media es idiota toda su vida.

Esto viene primero por el hecho de que los empleados de este foro son pésimos. Este es el primer punto y eso que disponen de su carrera…
A lo largo de mi vida, los argumentos que dan los Americanos, són parecidos a tener una deficiencia mental des de mi punto de vista. Harto de leer y tratar con gente así.

Que nadie se piense que esto es producido de la noche al día, no tendría sentido, proviene des de hace mucho mucho tiempo.

Esto va para todos los ingenieros de EEUU. De ingeniero español a ingeniero de EEUU, no valéis un duro. Alguien tenía que decirlo.
Los empleados de la gran mayoría de empresas EEUU, no hacen su trabajo respectivo, encima se permiten el lujo de ocultarte publicaciones o bloquearte… esa es la política de EEUU en sus empresas. Así vais por el mundo. Alguien derecho tenía que decirlo, mucha gente que está callada ante tanta ignorancia, no te preocupes, ya lo digo yo sin ningún tapujo. Solo hace falta ver el presidente que tiene esta gente.

Surely now the average employee will come to say how things work and how I have to behave. Regrettable. It is like a society of ignorant pointing fingers at you.

How do I see the average American?, Literal description https://www.facebook.com/riaz.khan.3…8952441844973/https://youtube.com/watch?v=ihiu_gZr8gs[https://eand.co/a-baffled-world-thin...t-4422085dbf67](https://eand.co/a-baffled-world-thinks-americans-are-idiots-is-it-right-4422085dbf67)

Y luego están detrás del monitor diciendo como debemos actuar por un sueldo que ni merecen. Lamentable.

I’m going to have to delete the comment not because I want to.
1 - Because the EU 4 industry is American. :frowning:
2 - The forums are from the US normally. :frowning:
3 - The guides and helps are in English. :frowning:
4 - They are the only ones who can help you (their toy their rules) like everything. :frowning:
5 - Maybe an employee who is not very smart will block my EPIC account and all the games “and all the assets purchased in the marketplace for EU projects” that I have in it … (this is the main reason). :frowning:

Better to keep a good habit … better not to tell them anything, that’s the way things go.

It is better to delete the comment and have them respond to you. (Although creating another account they could respond in the same way).

Of course, my comment will stay 24 hours, once after 24 hours it will be deleted. They can remove it if they like before that date.

Replying to posts is not a job, users don’t get paid for it. If someone has a free moment and knows the answer, then answers. He devotes his free time, so it would be appropriate to respect it and not to make a fuss that “throw out you work and gimme a reply now!!!”

On SO you will get the answer faster because:
a.) the questioner puts up a code (even MCVE) that you can copy and run online in less than minute. (undoable with UE4)
b.) ONLY and ONLY specific questions are posted (applying SO rules on this forum would result in throwing-out approx. 70% of topics)

I have to tell you through experience stack overflow sucks.Or at least for me the simple questions was the hardest and when I asked I rarely received a answer,then barred from questions say they don’t benefit the community. My learning phase, still it was ultra rarely used 2-3 times maybe like something I tried in python.

It’s been pretty quick for me, I think some of the higher level issues are just so much harder to fix over text and not as many veterans are around as there used to be.

Well, interesting post. You know who usually throws temper tantrums? Children.

Research before asking. For example one of your questions was " Best practices for connecting to the database in UE4." or even the “[Challenge] How good is a PHP server for games”. These type of questions are too broad and complex, and their answers a very long one. Also, did you research before asking? There are lots and lots of tuts, posts, docs related with those areas. It’s all a question of research and adptation.

Like @Emaer said “Replying to posts is not a job, users don’t get paid for it. If someone has a free moment and knows the answer, then answers. He devotes his free time, so it would be appropriate to respect it and not to make a fuss that "throw out you work and gimme a reply now!!!”"

You want a quick answer, make the question clear, focused and short. If you have a long multiple questions, then splitted in more than one post. No one is willing to spent hours answering a post without any gain.

I will answer you as Spanish.
As I said in the previous post: “Que nadie se piense que esto es producido de la noche al día, no tendría sentido, proviene des de hace mucho mucho tiempo.” = That no one thinks that this is produced overnight, it would not make sense, it comes from a long, long time ago.
If you do not understand Spanish, better translate it and then before saying any nonsense you think about it

You see what I mean? You think this is caused by a tantrum. What is going on in your head? Have you not processed what I told you well? Can’t you get ****** off because you are doing things wrong? If someone gets mad, is it a child? What the hell do they teach you in universities, masters and doctorates? To always say the same thing? These arguments are very 2010. Please come up with something new.

We are going to explain for those who are not 30 years old and some of us have been programming since 15. I am 30 years old and have been programming since I was 15. I have seen almost every type of UE that has existed, as well as the type of employee throughout its development. I can say that the current template is not ready. I hope I don’t have to go into details. Do I have to tell you the age so that your brain understands what I mean? If you don’t tell an American, if you don’t tell him his age and his studies, he always responds “you’re a boy”, how unfortunate it has to be oxford for that.

Now I will answer you as an American. Are you a ****ing troll ?, Go to another forum to bother. Heavy with the kids.

Let’s continue.

I am thinking that you are 15 years old, because here in Spain that mentality is only asked by a 15 year old boy.

Let’s go in parts, so you don’t get lost, because I’m going to drop a couple of arguments and you’re going to answer like a ****ing mentally deficient. You have me fed up. Go back to college again I’m tired of hearing you.

First read what someone who is “not an administrator” says

I’m going to summarize it in 2 paragraphs. Hope you can process it.

To give you a little silly idea, in other countries tutorials are scarce, you may do CTRL + C and CTRL + V in your universities, about career projects, here we have very little information and little infrastructure, we always have to use GOOGLE CLOUD, MICROSOFT AZURE, AMAZON AWS. I don’t think I mentioned any German, Spanish, French, Italian companies …
Let’s see if your little brain can understand me.

We are asking the house itself, since it is she who provides guides, documentation, assistance, if the EPIC GAMES house itself does not provide help to others (outside the US), we have a big problem. Are you telling me that my project is going to work with trial and error every step? Now I understand why Americans and world companies take 3, 4 or 5 years to release a game. Try and miss, why don’t we have a good ****ing tutorial.

Tired of hearing 15-year-olds without studies.

Where do I start? I start by saying that you are stupid or I start by saying that the rest of us are wrong and we have to do R&D. Let me think.

If you have a question about the operation of a server to a engine, who do you think is better prepared to answer the question, an average fanatic user or a programmer from the Unreal engine house? Do you understand this?

Go back boy: https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…ve-player.html

I don’t know whether to cry or understand that you are stupid. What to do?
Let’s see, ****ing mentally deficient, I’m on the “ENGINE CREATOR’S OWN PAGE” Are you telling me that they don’t have contracted programmers to answer questions and they have enthusiastic users to answer the questions? But who makes money you or EPIC? … American, stop being silly.

Wow, I didn’t think that EPIC GAMES would fare so badly with successful games it has and brands that support it.

Are you stupid or what? Wake up from your nap.

A company with an engine has to fill the doubts of the clients, both in documentation, engine, assets, programming, everything that entails.
You don’t have to come by an unqualified random user to help you with a database project. Wake up you look silly.

It’s that every argument they make is like looking like some kind of mental deficiency. Are you okay? Are you capable of processing what I argue?

It is like having a mechanic and the repairmen are the users who pass through there hahahahaah to so much ignorance you make me laugh.

A Spaniard had to come so that you know that you do things wrong and don’t worry one day one of each country will come to say it to your face, Spanish, German, Japanese … they will tell you the same. Regrettable.

My English language may not be the best, at this rate I prefer to know more German, Chinese than English.
In the world many millions of people are born per hour, if I have to waste my time for each one of them … they waste my time.

Javi, solo te voy a decir una cosa: adiós y buena suerte.

There’s a worrying amount of references to 15 year old boys in that pissy fit…

Well, seems this topic has run its course.