Communication error between Widget and Actor Component

i am stuck on this for hours now and i think it usually isnt that hard to do. So I want to set a text in my shop widget to the amount of money the player has. The money variable is stored in an actor component, which then is added to the third person character. This just makes things more organized for me. As you can see in the first picture, i set a binding to the textbox, reffered to the actor component (Cast to PlayerStats), then got the variable money and set the text. But when I try it out, the textbox is gone, so no number gets projected.

Hello @_iva!

As recap:
You have a variable of type PlayerStats in your shop widget that is being used in the binding, right?.

If you’re not setting this variable somewhere, it will default to null and it won’t work.
Make sure to set the variable to reference the appropriate component inside your ThirdPersonCharacter.

Alternatively, you can directly obtain the component from the pawn: