Hey everyone! I’m pretty new to Unreal Engine and programming in general so it is probably a silly question but I have been stuck on it for quite a while now.
I am currently following a building tutorial Tutorial 1 , Tutorial 2
And everything is working pretty smoothly, only problem is that instead of using the scroll wheel to select the current mesh I want to use buttons from my HUD, but whenever i try to play custom events from the hud I get the error:
"Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property BuildPreviw” which is in my BuildComponent Actor.
Only thing the Hud does is run this custom event
Which then runs this funtion that sets the ID (the current mesh) to another number
which then runs the custom function that changes the mesh based on the current ID
I am not able to use “Get actor of class” on the component actor and I have not successfully managed to use “Cast to” either.
Help is Much appreciated!