Hi there…
I’m nearly done finishing my UI and now got stuck in a Problem… which i thought CommonUI takes care of…
I want my Players to be able to change the Theme of the Gamepad Icons…
Technically, CommonUI has the CommonInputBaseControllerData Assets… which you can add to an Array to the CommonInputSettings.
Right now, my Array looks like this:
0: XBox_Dark
1: KeyboardMouse
2: XBox_Light
3: PS_Dark
4: PS_Light
The InputActionWidgets, the ActionBar and all that stuff is working well.
But… it always uses the XBox theme for the Gamepad, simply cause the GamepadInputType for all Themes is “Generic” only… no additional Names available… And it takes the first theme corresponding of the Input Device, from the Array.
So… how can i set any other of the Gamepad Themes to be the current used one?
(BP and/or C++)
To be clear: I’m not using any Platform SDK (Playstation, Switch, XBox)… i just want to have Gamepad-Icon-Themes.
So there has to be a way to add new Gamepad Names… or else this whole Array is pretty useless