Common UI - Tab Key is unusuable?

Hey there!

I’m using Common UI for my menus, and one thing I’d like to do is have a button respond to the user pressing the Tab key. I set it up like I normally do:

  • I added an entry into my InputActionDataTable bound to the Tab key. (let’s say, “Quest Menu”)
  • I added a CommonButtonBase widget to my menu that takes the Input Action to “Quest Menu”

While this works for most keys, Common UI seems to have a default, overriding behavior for the Tab key of selecting a default widget with a standard, thin border outline. My input action is, as a result, ignored.

Is there some option or configuration that will let me set my own functionality for Tab?

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Had the same problem, managed to solve it by turning off “Is Focusable” in the widget.

If that doesn’t help, try this solution Annoying bugs with UMG focus (with Is Focusable? on all widgets false) - #4 by Ixiguis

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virtual FReply NativeOnKeyDown(const FGeometry& InGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent) override
	if (InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tab)
		// Your UI logic here
		return FReply::Handled(); 
	return Super::NativeOnKeyDown(InGeometry, InKeyEvent);

Here is how I resolved it.

This allows to do things from C++ from inside the widget but it’s still preventing enhanced input actions from firing