Common Conversation (Epic's Plugin) suggestion

Hello, currently using Common Conversations Epic 32 features - youtube.

Here’s my proposition:
Allow us to access this structure and modify or add variables to it. (mainly the CCMessage Struct)

I found it simple to use when starting from This plugin.
To understand how it worked, I went over This youtube video (several times, going back and forth to make sense of it)
Then, read a translated version of This Website where I found some very important details missing in the youtube video.
Finally, I tested the system directly from unreal to make sense of it completely, and currently switching my old (behavior tree based) conversation system, to this one. And it’s insane how quick it can be if all you were doing was simple text + participant name format.

Once you start adding complexity it starts to become less effective, and more wonky programming. Where when the whole purpose to use this system is mainly to avoid making casts to perform any task. You end up having to do so when you wish to send and receive information from your graph to your pawn.

Hence my proposition. It would certainly add diversity to the use of the current system, I am sure it’s not simple or maybe impossible at this stage.

(PS: the Cause Side Effect nodes are firing twice of three times (in 5.3) in some cases as opposed to once in 5.1) There is no way to chose to fire once, unless you call an event that has a node “Fire Once” and a delay… disgusting pieces of code…

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The get last message Node seems to be gone all together in 5.5…
I have been trying for hours to figure out what replaces it.
I even tried copying it from the the sample project to my project. Sadly it says node could not be copied over.

Do you know how to get the choices out and continue the conversation Now?

Yes, I’ve noted that it doesn’t work on versions 5.4 and further. :frowning: is epic dropping this feature?

Seems quite interesting, especially that it can be used to more than just conversations, in my case, I’m also using it to control audio and animations.