Comments in PCG Graph don't get saved

Hi there!
I’ve got a really annoying problem with my pcg graphs. Had this already in 5.2 but I thought it might be a little buggy, cause it’s new. But in 5.3 it’s still around.

I cannot save comments in PCG Graphs. Comments in blueprints etc. work well. But when I add a comment to any PCG Graph, save everything, close and re-open the project all comments are gone.

The PCG Electric Dreams Demo project has comments when I open it. But any changes are not getting saved as well.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

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Sometimes they get saved but most of the time not. I also haven’t found a solution. Hopefully it will get solved soon.

Found a little workaround that seems to work so far. But I haven’t tested it that much. So everyone feel free to test it and tell us here.

Before closing Unreal I’m moving my PCG graphs to another folder. So far this keeps my comment alive.

I also found a workaround. Just save and close the PCG tab saves it.

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