Comment before UINTERFACE cannot be parsed

If I put a comment block before the UINTERFACE() the header tool cannot find the UINTERFACE() macro

 * @remark Declaring an interface class is similar to declaring a normal Unreal class,
 * 		   but with two main differences.
 * 		   First, an interface class uses the UINTERFACE macro instead of the UCLASS macro,
 * 		   and inherits from UInterface instead of UObject directly.
 * 		   Second, the UINTERFACE class is not the actual interface;
 * 		   it is an empty class that exists only for visibility to Unreal Engine's reflection system.
 * 		   The actual interface that will be inherited by other classes must have the same class name,
 * 		   but with the initial "U" changed to an "I"
class UKGameInterface : public UInterface

 * @brief IKGameInterface class is the interface for game events.
class KSGM_API IKGameInterface

	* @brief called when the match state has changed.
	* @param InMatchState The State of the match.
	* @remark Provide a body named [FunctionName]_Implementation instead of [FunctionName]
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Game")
	void MatchStateHasChanged(FName InMatchState);

I have to remove the comment block placed before the UINTERFACE() macro.