Command to play default level in headless mode

I want to achieve the following with a terminal command:

  1. Launch unreal in headless mode (without rendering)
  2. Load a project (I figured I can do this with UE4Editor project_file.uproject)
  3. Start playing the default level

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Dear valued Unreal Engine user,

If you launch the editor with -game this would act the same as choosing the standalone launch option in the editor, so should start and run the default level in the project settings. You can also compile, cook and package the project, then run the UE4Game target if it is a blueprint only or the [ProjectName]Game target if it is a source project. Running a packaged game target should always start the default level first. Fully packaging the game project would be the recommend route for anything you would distribute to other machines or servers.

To run in headless mode you should be able to use -nullrhi.

Thank you for your continued support,

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