Command line build for iOS on mac

I would like to set up a continuous build system to build my iOS game whenever I push a commit to my master branch. I’m using Unreal Editor version 4.25.1 from the Epic Games Launcher (not source, although I could set that up if needed). Are there instructions anywhere on how to do command lines builds for iOS on mac (I’ve searched, but no dice)? Surely others must be doing this?

/Users/Shared/EpicGames/UE_4.24.3/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ BuildCookRun -nocompileeditor -nop4 -project=/Users/UserName/Desktop/YourProject/YourProject.uproject -cook -stage -archive -archivedirectory=/Users/UserName/Desktop/Build -package -clientconfig=Shipping -ue4exe=UE4Editor -clean -compressed -pak -prereqs -distribution -nodebuginfo -targetplatform=IOS -build -CrashReporter -utf8output

Im used this on 4.24.3 for distributor packaging to App Store.

Hermyth - that seems to be working, thanks so much! I would love to hear about your development/build/test/distribution workflow.