Issue: The widget ComboBox is not showing the selected option by default neither in-game nor in the editor (it always appears empty until I change it in-game)
It works as intended. It’s “String” ComboBox so it’s expecting a string as input and gives a string at output. You can use foreach enumeration to populate it and then Find Option Index to get enum index.
I don’t have a problem getting the values out of it; the problem is that Set Selected Option is not working (at least on my end).
In this little test I added the options “Hello” & “World” (they indeed get added to the drop down menu) to the combobox.Then, when I click the Button_141 it should print my selected option. Unless I click and select an option from the drop down menu, nothing gets printed; Set Selected Option is not changing the selected option neither in the editor (the arrow in my first image) nor the function (attached image).
And I don’t really get what you mean by “it’s expecting a string as input”, you can’t input anything to it while you’re in-game.
One more note if it will help someone: if you dynamically fill your options list for your combo box: after calling “Set Selected Index” or “Set Selected String”, I had to call “Refresh Options” in order for the selected option to be displayed properly. This worked even when I didn’t have any values in the combo box’s default option field.