How can I change the color of the text (the value “AAAAAAA” from below image) from a ComboBox? I found how to change the color of the button (normal, hovered, pressed), but not the text itself.
Also, when I change the color of the arrow in settings, it doesn’t change for the element as well. In this example I chose Red for the arrow, but it remains Black. The size did changed to the given values. Not to mention that by default when you add a ComboBox the arrow in settings has white color, while in the element itself is black.
Changing Foreground Color to “White” does help with arrow color, as it now uses what it is set to, but I’m still not seeing where to set the color for the text.
Foreground Color can’t be used for text color as it gives a tint to arrow as well, and if you want both to have different colors, then the text will have the color from Foreground Color, but the arrow will now have that tint to the given color.
I searched for “tint” and none of those changed the color for text.
I just installed UE 5.1, it was released 2 days ago from Preview to normal version, converted the project, but the menu for ComboBox is the same, so I’m missing/not seeing something.
Let’s see when 5.2 is released, as with that update they said that the problems with the styles will be fixed, as they already are in their internal build.
Yeah, you can not. I even tried UE 5.4 Preview and still the same. In Font setting of a ComboBox you don’t have a “Text color / Tint” option which I guess is fine, as that font applies to the font of the button text as well as the font for all items. But this also isn’t fine, as there should be a option to change the font for the button text and then a separate one for items. A more complete option would be to have a font option for odd and even rows as you have with backgrounds, but even separating button text and item text fonts would be nice.
There should be an option in Style / Style / Combo Button Style / Text Color or something like this to control the color of the text. The color of the image can be changed from Style / Style / Combo Button Style / Down Arrow Image / Tint.
Beside this problem, there is also the issue that there is a black background under the items and the scrollbar if the items, which can’t be removed. This means that if you want to have transparent background for your items, you can’t.
To bypass the issue of Text color, I switched to ComboBox Key instead of String, as that also gives me more control over how the ComboBox will look, but this also has the problem with the black background.
Beside this problem with the ComboBox there is also a bug with TextBox where you can not change the color of the text at runtime. This can be easily checked. You need to add a TextBox in a widget, and a Button. Make the color of the text red for example, and when the button is pressed change the style of the TextBox and set the color of the text to blue. It will remain red. The background and the other options for the style do seem to apply, but not the text color. This also is a problem since 5.0 release and has never been fixed. They said that they know of the issue and in 5.2 a fix will be included but it wasn’t.
In UE 4.27, you could achieve a transparent background under the items by changing Style > Combo Button Style > Menu Border Brush > Tint.
I tried it in UE 5.3, and it doesn’t work anymore. Even when setting a thick Menu Border Padding (25), it does not even make the actual Menu Border transparent.
Increasing the transparency of the Menu Border just shows more of the unremovable dark grey background below.
I can confirm this is still an issue as of 5.3.2. I just now brute forced the approach by setting every single value named “tint” to bright red. Still a dark background and unchanged text on the items.