I’m trying to combine a laser scan with a set photos, however Reality Capture won’t register both dataset together.
What we want to do
We’re doing some research into the best way to capture a boat (starting with a fairly small, simple example). So far we’ve done a laser scan, however the resolution on the textures was not good enough, as well as a set of photos, however the resulting photogrammetry mesh was not accurate enough. Therefore, our hope is to use the laser scan for the model and photos for the textures.
Laser scan
The laser scan was done on a Leica BLK360, processed in Recap Pro and exported as an E57 file. 14 scans with lots of overlap were done resulting in a point cloud with full colour data. Reality Capture can use this data to produce a model (it’s combining with a photo set that’s the issue!).
I’ve tried importing each scan separately, all of them as one file and a merging them into one scan.
These were taken at the same time as the laser scan (so same lighting conditions etc) using a Canon EOS 5D. We did several attempts and this is the best quality dataset producing a high quality (by photogrammetry standards) model when used on its own.
Both set of data have been imported into Reality Capture. I’ve set the ‘enable meshing’ to false on images
When I align images either the laser scan data gets a green dot in the top-right corner or the photos do (whichever set is imported first gets aligned) Only one set is used by Reality Capture from then on.
This is what I mean
How can I get both the laser scan and photo set to register in the same project?