Combat System (Documentation)

Input :

Punch Attack :
(Left Mouse Button) : Attack middle part of the body
(Left Mouse Button) + (Up Key) : Attack Upper body
(Left Mouse Button) + (Down Key) : Attack lower body

Kick Attack :
(Right Mouse Button) : Attack middle part of the body
(Right Mouse Button) + (Up Key) : Attack Upper body
(Right Mouse Button) + (Down Key) : Attack lower body

Finish Attack :
(F Key)



Finishers system :

In Content >> Combat System Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> BP_ThirdPersonCharacter >> Finisher Data Variable

Customize your finishing Attack as per the image below

You can add an unlimited number of finishing Attacks.
Where the system will randomly choose one Attack to make.

You must pass the same information to the variable with the same name in the Enemy BP

(Kicks / Punches) Attack :

In Content >> Combat System Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> BP_ThirdPersonCharacter >> Kicks and Punches Variable

Customize the Attack (Kicks / Punches) in the same way as the finishing Attack.

This is the correct syntax for attacks based on input pressed



You must pass the same information to the variable with the same name in the Enemy BP

Attack Damage :
You can customize the amount of damage each enemy takes depending on the type of Attack (Kicks / Punches)

Visual Effects System :

Adjust the amount of Blood splash

In Content >> Combat System Folder >> VFX Folder >> NS_Blood-FX >> Blood-Dreps-With-Collision

Adjust the amount of Blood splash by changing the value “Spawn Burst Instantaneous”

Adjust the size of the blood spot

In Content >> Combat System Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> Blood-Dreps Folder >> BP_Blood-Dreps >> Decal Size Variable

Adjust the size of the blood spot by changing the value of “Decal Size Variable”