Combat Path Nodes for Guards and Alert function

I am aspiring level designer creating single player levels in UEFN and one of the biggest headache is Guard AI.

For example: I need a couple guards rush into the building and shoot player. But AI scripting feels like they primitively pushing when they don’t see the player and falling back when player deals some damage to them during the fight. And this behaiviour is completely random through the navigation volume and applies only after perception checks (wich creates more dificulities when you need to spawn them out of players sight)

Suggestion: create Combat Path Nodes similar to Path Patrol Nodes to gain more controll over Guards behaviour and Alert function on spawner (so you could send signal from other device to bypass the perception checks instantly) would be really awesome.

Thanks for your attention!

@LambredLamb Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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