Not Correctly Written to IPA File During Unreal Engine 5.1/5.3.2 iOS Remote Packaging

While using Unreal Engine 5.1 (Windows platform) for iOS remote packaging, the key is not correctly written to the final IPA file(ensuring the corresponding capabilities are enabled in the MobileProvision). Although the correct values are visible in the .entitlements file in the Intermediate/IOS directory, the value in the packaged IPA file appears as <string>*</string> instead of the expected list of domains.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In the Unreal Engine 5.1 project, make the following modifications:

    • Modify the IOSExports.cs file by adding the following code in the WriteEntitlements method:
      List<string> AssociatedDomains;
      if (PlatformGameConfig.GetArray("/Script/IOSRuntimeSettings.IOSRuntimeSettings", "AssociatedDomains", out AssociatedDomains))
          foreach (var Domain in AssociatedDomains)
              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Domain))
              Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Write AssociatedDomains {0} entitlements", Domain));
              Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\t\t<string>applinks:{0}</string>", Domain));
  2. Configure Associated Domains in the project settings, e.g.,

  3. Use the Windows platform for iOS remote packaging.

  4. On the Mac, check the .entitlements file in the Intermediate/IOS directory to confirm that the key is correctly written.

  5. Inspect the packaged IPA file and find that the value for is <string>*</string> instead of the expected list of domains.

  6. Attempt to write other types of entitlements:

  • For example,, and confirm that these values are correctly written to the IPA file (ensuring the corresponding capabilities are enabled in the MobileProvision).
  1. Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.3.2:
  • The issue persists even after upgrading.