I’m a student from germany working on his thesis about a colorconsistent photogrammetry workflow (with the goal to use it in Unreal Engine for Virtual Production). That’s why i would like to know what colorspace and bitdeph RC is working in? 8bit/ 10bit? linear?
RC is working with 8 and 16 bit images.
For geometry layer always use 8-bit already color corrected .jpg files, because there is no point in using them for alignment. You will even get better results when you will postprocess .jpg files in softwares like DXO, Lightroom or Capture One and then import them to RealityCapture. _geometry layer will be used for meshing and alignment.
_texture layer is usually used when you want to maximize texture quality. There I would suggest pre-process images in softwares like DXO, Lightroom or Capture One, where you should calibrate your photos for example using Xrite color checkers and then export 16-bit tiffs and place them to _texture folder
Thanks for your answer! And do you know if RC works in srgb or Linear internally? And dpes it do any tonemapping?
You can use both color profiles in RC (sRGB or linear). There is also opportunity to tone mapping, when you are importing 16 bit HDR images (Tone-mapping method Choose a codec for tone mapping of inputs for further processing: either (a special) Local windows codec (you have installed on your machine) by selecting No tone mapping, which will only convert 16-bit/HDR inputs to 8-bit without any color, contrast, gamma adjustement or you can choose RC tone mapping (recommended, optimized for use in RealityCapture)).
and one more question: how does the reality capture texturing allgorithm work in regards of color? From my experience the texture you get is much flatter/ less contrasty (which as a basecolor for a 3D modell is a good thing) than the source images. But does RC only adjust brightness values or does RC merge colorinformations?
and one question which should be easier to answer (and more important for me): is it possible to import 16bit files in a linear colorspace?
I tried to import 16bit tiffs from nuke in linear and always got a texture which looks like it has been inpreted as Srgb - is there anyway to force an linear input or do i have to use srgb?
Thanks a lot!
these are some confidential information about the application. Linear won’t work for this, there is creation of SRGB in the process. About the texturing, there is some kind of tome mapping.
Kind regards,