Basically, I had some weird text in the clipboard while thinking I had a hexcode in it. The Color Picker resized to like what I guess is 3840 pixel, so the width of my 2 1920x1200 monitors.
After the Color Picker has lost and then regained focus, it goes back to the normal size and everything’s good again.
Not an important issue, but having this fixed “some day” would be cool
Open any UE4 Blueprint, create any node that lets you open the Color Picker and Ctrl+V the text into the hexcode or any other field.
These 250 words will only expand it, but if you paste an even larger amount (I tried with 1000 words) it fully hangs the Editor/Engine as you can see here:
Because the Hexcode is meant for a certain set/type of numbers to be entered into the field, this is just a minor error. You won’t ever really need to paste 250 to 1000 words to choose a color. We do appreciate you bringing this to our attention as it could be related to other issues as well. I will mention this to the developers.