This gif probably will show the pinnacle of the problem:
This issue appeared in 4.11 and persist in 4.12. Users on Slack suggested it’s caused by live update.
Would be nice if that can be disabled.
This gif probably will show the pinnacle of the problem:
This issue appeared in 4.11 and persist in 4.12. Users on Slack suggested it’s caused by live update.
Would be nice if that can be disabled.
Hi S-ed,
Are you using a color picker on a light, variable, or other? I’m having trouble reproducing this on my end.
Just 4 vector. Not even used anywhere node in shader.
Steps to replicate:
1.) Create a new Material
2.) Drag a Constant 3 Vector into the Graph
3.) Hook up said Constant 3 Vector to the Base Color output
4.) Double click on vector to open the color picker
5.) Click and hold the mouse button on the color picker and drag it around to choose another color. Note the shader recompiling in real time while the picker is still open and the annoying lag in the Color Picker now.
6.) Repeat 5 until further annoyed.
7.) Submit issue to internal bug tracker.
TLDR: The older method of waiting until the Color Picker was closed before updating the node in the graph (and updating the live preview) was changed in 4.11 and now instead of waiting for the Color Picker window to close the node is updated in real time and thus the graph is recompiled and thus annoyed customers are the result. =)
Can Confirm. Even with LiveUpdates etc turned of it creates a ShaderCompilerWorker on each change that causes a spike.
Edit: On tick basicly. The Colorpicker tool is faster btw as a temporary workaround.
Oh. It would be nice if dragging with mouse button pressed work as in previous version.
Hey Everybody,
Thank you for the feedback. It appears that it was only in the material editor, which helps with the repro. Anyways, this is fixed in 4.13 already. I couldn’t find a bug report for it, but it no longer occurs.
Thanks for reporting it!!