Color/ Material Picker Wall, Floor, Stair, Window Gallery

It’s hard to find modern walls, floors, or specific wall pieces/ windows. If we could get a gallery similar to the primitive shapes, we could choose the color or material of a wall, stairs, etc. It would help. No matter how I resize the primitive shapes, I can never get them to be the exact same size as a wall. Besides that, please add Relentless Retreat and/ or Sanguine Suites. It’s so discouraging trying to find modern walls or props, everything has rust and the Eclipsed Estate galleries are just not useable enough. None of the white walls match with the doors or windows. It’s really discouraging me because I want to create modern-looking buildings, but I am limited. Even fencing fields would help as it used a lot of the same CH4/CH5 modern walls and windows. Please consider this.

@woodinjake Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Thank you Stevie!

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