Collisions without physics

I have created a simple helicopter controller using no physics, I create the movement by setting the helicopters location each frame however I now have no collision and it can fly through everything. Is there a way I can add collision without physics?

Hey @BLAZEPunk! There sure is!

On your helicopter actor, you want to add a component of “collider” of whichever type you would like.


You will need to make sure to set up the collision responses for the collider, as well as make sure your environmental things you’ll run into are set to block whatever you set the helicopter to (I recommend making the collider of the “Pawn” type, and chances are it will be finished from there).

This is going to be a simple collision, if you wanted to be EXACTLY the shape of the helicopter things get a lot more complicated. You’d need to change the collision channels of the helicopter mesh and when you collide with things it might not play very nice. :slight_smile: So if you’re doing a simple game, go with a simple collider!

I have just tried this and it does’nt seem like it has worked. I do not use the character movement component, could it be something to do with this?

It very much might! How are you implementing your movement?
Using SetLocation repeatedly CAN cause issues here. :slight_smile: