Collisions in blueprints not working

My box collisions isn’t working for some reason. I have it set to block all and everything. Also none of my other collision work from my blueprints. Collisions in my editor window, however work. Why’s are collisions in my blueprints working.

When you say “doesn’t work,” what, specifically, isn’t working?
Can you walk through the object with a character?
Can you shoot a ball through it with the first person starter kit?

Is the blueprint object marked Movable?
Is the “simulate physics” property turned on?
Are you using a scaling value other than 1.0 in any part of the scene graph between the collider and the root of the object?
What kind of collision geometry are you using?
Is there a difference between “detailed” and “proxy” colliding objects?
If you’re using built-in mesh collisions, what kind are they? If you open up the mesh, and look for collision objects, what objects (and how many) are there?