I just made a low poly map piece in Blender, it’s a cliff with a windy road that climbs it to the top. I can’t find a satisfying approach to generate collision for it. The road is non-convex by nature so I wasn’t able to generate any acceptable collision mesh (you can see my best attempt -which is still less than ideal- in the picture below). How would you go about this?
I don’t get it. Why not use the nice UCX? Don’t let the engine auto-generate collision on import or remove it. Use the UCX or, tbh, I’d use the existing topology as Complex collision.
You do not need collision on the rest of the cliff?
Hi Everynone! Sorry, it was not clear from my question: I AM using UCX, it is the object highlighted in the left side of my picture. But the road is also convex, so the only solution I can think of is to split the road in segments and one by one add them as UCX which is… slow!
I wanted to avoid using complex collision because it’s heavier to compute but I actually have no clue how much it would impact on the overall scene performance. Perhaps being such a low poly mesh the impact would be negligible…?
Hi Everynone! Sorry, it was not clear from my question: I AM using UCX, it is the object highlighted in the left side of my picture. But the road is also convex, so the only solution I can think of is to split the road in segments and one by one add them as UCX which is… slow!
I wanted to avoid using complex collision because it’s heavier to compute but I actually have no clue how much it would impact on the overall scene performance. Perhaps being such a low poly mesh the impact would be negligible…?
Hi Everynone! Sorry, it was not clear from my question: I AM using UCX, it is the object highlighted in the left side of my picture. But the road is also convex, so the only solution I can think of is to split the road in segments and one by one add them as UCX which is… slow!
I wanted to avoid using complex collision because it’s heavier to compute but I actually have no clue how much it would impact on the overall scene performance. Perhaps being such a low poly mesh the impact would be negligible…?
Hi Everynone! Sorry, it was not clear from my question: I AM using UCX, it is the object highlighted in the left side of my picture. But the road is also convex, so the only solution I can think of is to split the road in segments and one by one add them as UCX which is… slow!
I wanted to avoid using complex collision because it’s heavier to compute but I actually have no clue how much it would impact on the overall scene performance. Perhaps being such a low poly mesh the impact would be negligible…?
If your stuff truly is low-poly and the topology we see is all there is - then I’d use Complex. You would gain nothing (?) by going to Simple collision (there are other benefits of Simple besides performance - things do not need to be static and can simulate physics) but that’s not the case here.
But perhaps you’re faking it and the road mesh is 50k vertices and you just made it look low-poly! Then I’d meticulously craft simplified collision for it.
By the way, your posts appearing multiple times is an Answer Hub thing. It should be OK from now on.
Yes, the road is really low poly, I do not need more detail on it. I went for Simple as Complex and for now even adding other assets to the scene I still get very good performance. Thanks for the hints!
How did you get it? Can I use existing mesh as a collision?
The thing is - I created a separate collision and Unreal reads it strange way. I use UCX_ prefix for the mesh in Blender, but I don’t know why it looks different in Unreal