Ahhh, sorry, didn’t mean to provide an improper response.
I actually don’t know if you can make the collision show up with faces. The mesh-outline does detail the faces, but past that you don’t get much from collision except what channel you hit on, the thing you hit, and the results from breaking that hit…
Can you make a duplicate mesh in the form of the collision-mesh and turn it on/off? IIRC the collision is just that, only collision. It’s not a mesh like in the sense it has materials, etc, it’s really more a volume one tests against vs intent-to-draw. A regular mesh would be draw-able like you want (If I understand correctly).
Thanks for the suggestion @Frenetic .
I thought about converting collision boxes into cubes (by getting collision sizes) via the custom editor tool but I’ll do it as a last resort.
I was wondering if there is any simpler solution to visualize collision boxes other than wireframes (like we can visualize “blocking volumes” in the “player collision” view mode).
Collision (generally) ain’t meant to be rendered, just be-there to be tested against via some kind of trace so I am not sure anything tagged as ‘collision’ would even have the pathway to the renderer (jsut a guess tho). Hence the suggestion to make an actual mesh, since you need to see it.
I mean the side is still there but there is no way to assign a material to it so Unreal could never know how to draw it.
Kinda begets the question “why?”? To what end do you want to see it?
Yeah, converting them into static meshes for the time being is the best bet.
I have a building and that contains 50+ collision boxes. I need to visualize all the collision boxes like a mesh or translucent box so that I can see the extent of the collision. Looking at 50 collision in one scene is confusing.
Here is an image for example,
Mesh is the way to go. Overhead will be very light, depending on the material.
Upside is that since you are drawing them, you get to choose how they get-drawn (shader). This could be a boon down the road if you realize you need something else from them (color them based on some value, like if it’s colliding with something?); you at least get options from this step.
If you also set the visualization against some flag/value you can turn them on-off if you need to, at will.