Collision updating only on listen server, but not on client server

So i don t know why this is happening, but every time i am in a client server with 2 players and my player goes into stance, the collision of the shield and character i think won t move where it should
2023 03 13 19 37 40 - YouTube here is an example.
It does work fine on listen client server

here it is in animbp if it does matter

It’s currently only executed on the server. You would need an additional event which will speak to the other clients, multicast. The server event should run the multicast if I am not mistaken.


i ll try when i get home, could you provide an example, i m pretty new to the engine

Maybe @EliasWick can provide you with something more specific @voicu4321

But this is the page I am currently learning from (in the background i might add slowly!) it may help you

Networking Overview for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

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idk, it s like the collision is not rotating, weird, i ll see when i get home

so i tried it but it still won t work

pls it s not working whatever i do :sob:

Hmm, could it be that the value you actually want to change isn’t changing because of some other logic?

honestly I ve got no idea, the only logic i could think of is the animbp or the transitioning between states

i finally found a solution, it was something to do with animbp