I have a vehicle (With Vehicle Movementt Component) controlled by AI. Collision of this car stays in the place where car was last viewed. So it was culled by some of methods and after that Collision stops moving with actor. Show Collision show nothing at this place, but player vehicle collides in this place. If AI vehicle returns to the view than collision moves to actor. There is no such problem with PIE. Issue occurs on Android. If Occlussion Culling is turned off - issues still occurs but not that easily - another culling method makes Actor not rendered so…
Had the same issue recently, was fixed by setting Visibility Based Anim Tick Option to Always Tick Pose and Refresh Bones. in the Skeletal Mesh.
Mine was already set to that in the details panel of the skeletal mesh, but still had the issue. So I had to set it in Begin Play to fix it for some reason .
[Edit] This was on Windows BTW, don’t know if it’ll be the same for Android.
Thank you very much. It helped me to solve my problem
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