Collision Sphere not overlapping?


I am spawning a row of Sphere Collisions using “Add Sphere Collision” node and adding them to an array. Later I loop through the array, binding their event on begin overlap.
The loop will loop through all of them, and the “Array Element” is the correct spheres…
However these never trigger the overlap event, even if their collisions are properly set.
I am colliding them against “Cube” with BlockAll collision.

Edit: As a workaround, I’m currently looping through all of them and sphere-tracing their location to check for channel “Visibility” this gives me the result I was looking for, but this needs to be looped on a timer, and I fear its too performance heavy an operation. I’d prefer the spheres telling me when they have collided / overlapped with something instead of having to query every single one of them for answers each time.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Hi AquaRex,

Does the cube have a collision primitive?

Also, when is the overlap supposed to be occurring? This could be a timing issue where the overlap happens before the delegate is bound.

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Does a cube has Generate Overlap Events checked? By default it’s disabled.

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Thanks for replying!

The cube is the default cube when dragged out from the “Place Actors” Panel. I’ve checked that its collision is set to “Block All”

The collision happens some time after the delegation is bound, unfortunately.
( I’m controlling an object that moves, these spheres are attached to the moving object )

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Thanks for the reply!

It does not, as its not the object generating the overlap events.
I assume only the “detecting” object required overlap events to be enabled?

I want this overlap delegate to check for ANY overlaps, including landscape and all other physical objects. Essentially checking for “Visibility” as a Trace Channel. And was hoping to avoid having to loop through and sphere-trace every x/ms.

Edit: I just enabled this for both the Cubes and the Landscape, and that works. But is this really necessary? For all objects in the scene to have Generate overlap events when I simply want to detect when a Sphere Collision overlaps a visible object?


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Yes. The fewer objects Generate Overlap Events, the better the overall performance. The engine simply ignores the objects that don’t have that box checked when calculating for overlaps. So both sides must be activated.

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