Collision sphere affects navigation

Hello everybody.
I use a sphere collision for detecting pawns near an actor.
But I also use a “MoveToLocation”-Node and UE thinks that as soon as the sphere overlaps the target location, the target location is reached.
Is there a way of just using the sphere as an overlap component, so the navigation won’t be affected by it so the actor will always move to the target location with it’s center?
Sorry for the long sentence, don’t really know how to express the problem.

  • Linus

If you select the Collision sphere go down on the properties to the collision - you will want to make sure this is on custom collission.
There will then be three columns (Ignore/Overlap/Block)

If you want this to just trigger when pawns overlap then - select Overlap next to the Pawn.

If this is on ignore - nothing will happen.
If this is on Block - it will be like a big hit box that will not let each other pass which is most likely the issue you have here.

If that doesn’t work you might have to give some screenshots of what is still happening.