Collision Skeletal Mesh vs Static Mesh

Hello everybody,

I’m a beginner into UE4.

I make a little project for learning.

I have a big problem and after one week of search on google or forum unreal.

I have a problem of collision with my character blueprint and a static mesh.

My character blueprint configuration have a capsule (by default) and a additionnal capsule collision.


settings of capsule by default

and my additional capsule collision

as you see, it is the same collision settings.

in game, I have a static mesh wall, in prone, the head (my additional capsule collision) don’t stop on the static mesh

I would like have an collision as

I have try many collision settings blockAll, PhisicsAsset, ragdoll and all other.

But nothing works.

Can you help me Please ?

I am very sorry for my english, it is not my default language :wink:

Very thank you for all



Are there possibility as static mesh with complexe collision, to use the complexe collision of a skeletal mesh ?

If you have a idea, a suggestion, it is welcome.



What is the best way for skeletal mesh collision ?

Only capsule collision ?

What do you do in your project for skeletal mesh collision ?


Nobody ? Maybe the ue staff ?