I have a problem where if I attach one static mesh to another the collision settings will automatically change to match the object that it is attached to .
for example .
Static mesh 1 is set to block all and static mesh 2 is set to no collision . If I attach static mesh 1 to static mesh to static mesh 2 then static mesh 1 collision will be set to no collision .
Note : This has only happened since updating to 4.2 and it it is not a problem in all maps so I do not know what is causing it .
Hi DaveHall17,
I’m going to start looking into this, but would you mind providing a little bit more information?
You said this isn’t happen in all maps? Is this a map you’ve created or project you’ve created this is only happening in?
If you’re replicating this in an example or template we have can you tell me which one?
Are these meshes custom meshes you’ve imported or ones from the starter content?
Thank you!
I’ve setup a map using the Third Person Template and used a couple of assets using the method you’ve outlined above but I have not been able to repro this. If you can provide clarification with the questions above I’ll dig into this more. 
Thank you!
Hi DaveHall17,
I’ve not heard back from you in the past few days. I’m going to mark this as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still having the issue feel free to post here and I’ll look into your issue further.
Thank you!
Hi Tim ,
Sorry I did not get back to you earlier . The issue occurred in a custom project and a custom map using assets exported from Maya . The issue has only happened once and when I recreated the same map from scratch it was not an issue. I am not sure what to suggest in regards to what is causing the issue because I could not re create it either . I’ll let you know if it happens again.
Thanks for responding!
If you are able to create this again and have a clear set of repro steps I would definitely be interested in taking a look. Just respond here and I’ll dig into it!
Thank you!