Collision Projectile Inquiry

I have a bullet actor and the collision capsule doesn’t fit the bullet if its a sphere then the bullet hovers over the ground. If I have a capsule it will stand straight up and won’t fit the bullet flight path. How do I solve this dilemma I have tried setting the capsule to overlap only and making the bullet mesh block everything but all the bullets still fall through the ground. I’m a bit confused any input is welcom.

I am not sure exactly what is wrong, but you could try adding convex collision to the bullet mesh. Might help.

This is the problem I need this capsule rotated but it won’t work right unless it’s root. If it is root there are only these two options to edit it and the half hight wont go below 22. It’s a real predicament, also I’m not exactly sure what convex collision is this was made just by putting a cylinder and cone to gether.

You are adding collision to the actor when it would probably be better to add the collision to the mesh. Open up your bullet mesh, and add collision there. Something like Collision > Add Convex Collision.

You can remove the cylinder collision from the actor and use the collision you have added to the mesh.

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Do I leave root empty or do I make bullet mesh the root?

Probably, the bullet mesh should be the root.

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awesome man, I’ll take a look at that and thanks for the help

Just use a sphere at the tip.

The root component needs to be the collision component. Mesh as child. Mesh collision disabled.

You only need collision at the tip.


@Rev0verDrive thats a good idea but I want the tip to lodge in the wall so maybe I could put it tat the end of the cylinder

On hit destroy projectile and spawn a mesh using impact loc and normal.

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I understand it all but what do you mean location and normal what?

Hit location (impact) for spawn location. Normal for rotation if needed.