Collision Problem on Vehicle Model-Skeleton Importing From 3dsmax

Hello everyone,

I have been suffering a problem that happened in Vehicle system in Unreal Engine 4.14.3.
Im trying to make a driveable Huracan into the engine but i got Collision issue :
My car have a good skeleton i think and everything is ok i think , but when i made the blueprint the wheels were having no collision with floor
I have tried to see what happened with pxvis Collision and i have seen that the Wheel cylinder are in the wrong side :

But my physics assets seems to be correctly setup:

So i don’t know why the wheels colliders are like that.

I have made this car using this tutorial : [)
I have been searching how to solve this problem since 2 day (I tried lot of thinks, like rotating the car in 3ds max putting wheels onto kinematic…) But i got everytimes this problem with the cylinder. Can someone help me to fix this ?
Thanks for your help !

Looks like your wheel bones are not oriented properly, Y is pointing down instead of to the right and Z is pointing to the right instead of up. This is why your wheels get flipped on a side. Have to fix it in modelling software and re-import.

I have tried to fix the axis by exporting like that: (z axis up)

But i dont worked so i have to rotate the bone manually like you said but as im new into 3d modelisation i don’t know how to do it properly can you help me with that:
how to move thes bones?

Axis conversion won’t rotate bones for you, check how pivot/bone is oriented on wheels in 3dmax.

i would advise getting in touch with the tutorial author or find other tutorials which show you how to set things up correctly

I clicked on rotation mode and then on my Bone but i noticied that they are already rotated:

I don’t know if i’m right but i think it’s because of that i’m getting this problem

Yes already tried lot of others tutorials as im trying to solve this since 2 days but i always get the same problem : the wheels collider are in the bad position
So i think this problem may come from my 3d model

If I recall correctly, bone shouldn’t be rotated but created as oriented with Z up.
Other thing to check if your wheel mesh is rotated, cause it shouldn’t. For mesh, the easy fix is to ResetXForm and then collapse stack.

ok here’s a link to my old ut3 tutorials

the work flow is very much the same for ue4 except the root bone must be at 0,0,0

you’ll notice i don’t use bones but max objects these work the same but its a lot easier to set/adjust the pivots of them

Ok thanks will try it !