Collision Problem on Both AI

am working on a Creeps AI like dota/lol . What i can do right now is that It can reach to a waypoint and stop and look for a target and attack the problem is that the attack doesn’t work it doesn’t damage or overlap on the another AI.

Here’s my setup of my AI’s

AI - Bad Minion
CapsuleComponent → Generate overlap is checked ,Collision Preset is Pawn
Mesh → Generate overlap is checked, Collision Preset is Pawn

AI - Good Minion(Currently doing the attacking right now)
CapsuleComponent → Generate overlap is checked(Note: Already tried checking but not worked) , Collision Preset is Pawn
Mesh → Generate overlap is checked, Collision Preset is Pawn
HandCollision → Generate overlap is checked, Collision Preset is Pawn
Sphere → Generate overlap is checked, Collision Preset is OverlapAllDynamics (This is for the detection of another AI)

Here I am trying to make a hit while playing the animation

But neither of them are printing . I don’t know why . Is my setup Incorrect??? Please help me guys. I’ve been stucked overnight.

■■■■ I wasn’t checking but the capsule components rendering was uncheck ( hidden in game)! Sorry now its okay