First of all i haven’t added any kind of “collider” i just actived the physics settings (not simulate physics) on the sprites, idk if it’s wrong but the ball do collide with the paddle so…
Paddle is set to block all dinamycs, and simulate physiscs without gravity, it’s a pawn with floatingpawn movement, and no physiscs enabled that moves with add movement input. The ball has same physiscs settings except for simulate phyisics that is enabled. Finally the bounds have a box collision component, that is set to block all and not to simulate physics. All have generate hit event set to true. I have noticied that the ball collide just with top and bottom bounds but not with side, and this even at start or after collision velocity (that is lower than the initial one)
I’m making a pong clone, i set the paddle to block all dynamic, the ball to block all dynamic, and the walls to block all, but they do not block anything from the ball to the paddle. The ball do collide with the paddle. All these are set to generate hit events, but not to generate overlap. I can’t figure out why
Just to make sure, can you see your Collision in the Static Mesh Editor and what is your Collision Complexity (still Static Mesh Editor under Details, Collision)?
Is there anything instead of ball and paddle that walls should block? Set it to BlockAllDynamic also.
Next. How exactly paddle moves? If you move it with some kind of input or by setting location, it will not be blocked by walls. You must clamp it’s movement inside controller.
Also, how do ball moves? Is it some physics actor? This should be specific actor that calculates movement by itself.