Collision on 3D objects isn't working

Hi, Could you do me a favor?

I’m developing small VR project with Engine 5.3.

And I have a problem in Collision area.

And I think I do it well but I can’t find the solution.

I want to interact through the Widget Interaction component of the Motion Controller,

and my goal is open the door when I trigger the door with motion controller.

For some reason, rays shot from the motion controller just pass through the object.

Just ALL OF Object in Map scene.

Can you find some reason that I can’t find ?

Also I’m having trouble getting my pawn to go through all the objects in the map Scene,

but that’s a question for a new post.

Thanks for reading my long post,

I’ve spent 5 hours trying to solve this problem, and it’s not working

so If anyone can tell me what I’m missing, I’d really appreciate it.

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Put a print string here


is it firing?

No, it won’t be output.

That’s because when you click on the door, the ray goes through the door itself.


Also my BP_Door’s Parent Class is Actor!

Ahhhh… :slight_smile:

Have you checked the door mesh actually has collision?

You should see a green box like that.

Thanks for caring my 2 posts!

Starting with your idea,

I checked with ‘Get Display Name’ method.

And I had two problems.

The model that was packed into one element was output,

that was my first problem.

And the collisions that make up the floor and fence below were too large

So that’s why I can’t trigger the door.

You save my life. :blush:

Thanks again, @ClockworkOcean !!!

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:smiley: :+1:

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