Hi, I’m working on a VR game.
My character has a mesh (a sword) which is a child of the motion controller component.
I can move the sword with the controller and physically hit physics objects (like pushing with the sword a movable cube with physic).
The problem is that the sword doesn’t collide with static meshed and it move through them. I tryied all collision presets/settings of both sword and world static meshes, attach a collision capsule to the sword, etc. but nothing works.
I’ve read somewhere in some posts of 2014/2015 that attached meshes can affect CharacterMovement, is it still true in 2017?
It looks like a VR basic thing (having objects holded by the player to not clip through things) so I guess a solution should exist.
Ok, I have an idea. I can grab a physical sword with physic handle, so it collide with the world.
Now my problem is that my sword is rotated while hitting things and I don’t want to ask the player to center it so it should be done automaticaly.
So does anyone know how I can add some kind of force to this sword object so it always try to point forward (relative to the controller) like some kind of spring